The initial thing you must do is preparing yourself. This is going to be a bumpy ride full of ups and downs. You need to be in the right state of mind and accept that some things are our of your control .
Be prepared to compromise. Enter into the planning of your wedding with an open mind and flexibility. Keep a flexible point of view on things because not everything will happen like it happened in your mind. Be ready to alter and change things as they go.
For instance if you want an outside ceremony and it is Pouring outside , they be prepared to have a plan B . Not only will you need to be flexible with your planning but you need to be willing to make the proper investment for your wedding day.
Remember it only happens Once. Don’t sacrifice your only day to shine . Don’t try to over plan or be too controlling. You can always hire a wedding coordinator to relieve some of the wedding planning stress. Take everything with a grain of salt and a sense of humor.
Believe me everything will work out and beyond with the right people by your side. And remember you are marrying the man or women of your dreams. Your soul-mate.